

Erittäin hyväkuntoinen DVD ja kotelo vuodelta 2002, kesto 174 minuuttia, kieli on englanti, tekstitys on englanti. DVD-kotelon tekstit on englanniksi.

Neljännen kauden jaksot:

  • Parralox - Eddy is to appear on the Richard and Judy morning chat show and Patsy has just the thing to get rid of her wrinkles: Paralox, a do-it-yourself Botox treatment, While Eddy is asleep, Patsy injects her face, overdoing it so that the next morning Eddy is paralyzed above the neck and must watch Katy Grin, Bubble's smug cousin, being interviewed instead. This is also bad news for Saffy, who nearly gets a job working for New Labour until the interviewer decides that she should stay home to look after her "invalid" mother.
  • Fish Farm - When Saffy hires a handsome young man to do the Monsoons' garden, Patsy recognizes him as Jago Balfour, younger brother of a friend of hers who died of a drug overdose ,leaving Jago the family mansion and its grounds. Gold- digging Eddy wastes no time in trying to seduce Jago, only to learn that he had to get rid of his estates to pay the death duties and sold them to rocker Roger Daltrey to turn into a fish farm.
  • Paris - Patsy gets the chance to relive her days as a model on a photo shoot in Paris with top model Erin O'Connor. Eddy comes along for a mother/daughter daughter fashion spread, but fails to persuade any glamorous young actress to play her daughter, so she drags Saffy into it. Patsy gets edged out of the picture by younger models and a glamorous photographer, and Eddy goads Saffy to do something totally out-of-character atop the Eiffel Tower.
  • Donkey - Eddy is worrying about her weight again, seeing herself as the 'donkey' of her social circle, a fact that her bitchy friends endorse, so she goes on a punishing diet-and-exercise regimen which Saffy and Patsy oppose for different reasons. She even dreams that God and the Devil offer their own comments. Although she feels she has shed the pounds, she's still seen as the donkey. Saffy is encouraged to write a play by Taylor, an actor friend seeking to revive his career.
  • Small Opening - Encouraged by Taylor, Saffy finishes writing her play, 'Self-Raising Flower', about her oppressive life with Eddy and Patsy, who don't share the rest of the family's enthusiasm to attend the opening night. Indeed, Eddy unsuccessfully tries to get it banned. But she and Patsy cannot resist slipping in at the last minute. The play, in which Patsy is portrayed by a man, is a roaring success, but only because people think it's a comedy. Eddy and Patsy become celebrities, and Saffy gains an admirer: Kasha, the actress who is portraying her.
  • Menopause - Bubble accidentally sends most of Eddy's clients' details to rival Claudia Bing, who poaches them - including Twiggy, who is annoyed because Mother has been stalking her, confusing her with Madonna. Eddy sacks Bubble, but ends up back in business because of Katy Grin's unlikely intervention. Meanwhile, Saffy encourages Eddy to attend Menopausal Anonymous with Patsy, who has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Eddy is rude and disruptive, of course. After the meeting, Saffy has a weird dream in which Patsy announces that she is pregnant from Mick Jagger's sperm, which she bought at an auction.
  • Gay - Bo and Marshall, now running a Christian television station, inadvertently reveal that Eddy's long-lost son Serge is gay and living in New York. Patsy's heading there for Fashion Week, so Eddy goes with her to the Big Apple. After a visit to GUFF, a gay drop-in center, they locate Serge but must pretend to be Lesbians celebrating a civil wedding for their information. Eddy is disappointed to find that, like Saffy, Serge is a shy, bookish type, but she hits it off with his extrovert boyfriend Martin. The quartet 'do' Fashion Week and visit a bar, which Patsy burns down after dancing on the counter. Returning to London after their arrest for that incident, Eddy makes up with Saffy but reveals that she has disowned Serge and adopted Martin.

"Edna (Jennifer Saunders) ja Patsy (Joanna Lumley) ovat kaksi keski-ikäistä naista, jotka janoavat mainetta ja glamouria Lontoon trendipiireissä. Heidän käsityksensä oikeasta ja väärästä on vähintäänkin hämärtynyt. 

Menestystä metsästäessään he seuraavat orjallisesti muodin oikkuja, laihduttavat, polttavat ketjussa, tissuttelevat samppanjaa ja joutuvat täysin hulvattomiin kommelluksiin."

Ostajalle postikulut tai nouto Helsingissä (esim. Lauttasaari).

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Sulkeutuu 56 vrk 15 h 25 min
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3,40 € Sulkeutuu 56 vrk 15 h 25 min

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