Blasto (Boxed) PS (Käytetty)
He's slighly warped, but you would be too if you had to constantly slug it out with slimy alien things! Charge up your Blast-O-Matic, strap on your rocket pack and prepare for a galaxy-spanning, action-packed adventure! Enormous, free-roaming, fully interactive 3D animated worlds! Phil Hartman as the voice of Blasto! Run, fly, jump, climb, shoot, swim - even ride a big blue alien chicken! Action, adventure, beautiful Blasto babes, absurd humor and alien-shooting mayhem! What more could you want?!
Tuote on myynnissä
Huuto Turvalla
- Tuote maksetaan Huuto Turvan asiakasvaratilille
- Ostajan saatua tuotteen maksu tilitetään myyjälle
- Lue lisää Huuto Turvasta
Osta heti
Maksaminen ja toimitus
26,99 €
61 vrk 1 h 43 min
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