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#68 CEREBUS Too Late to Pray C-KASETTI

Bonus-biisillä Usa 1986 heavy metal

Too Late To Pray" - Clearly influenced by the IRON MAIDEN typhoon of that time, but also dealing with the wider thesaurus of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal sound span, this legendary album features eight songs of immaculate US Metal majesty. Sharp guitar riffs, roaring rhythm section and the astonishing vocals of Scott Board - all followed by a primordial production - sum it up to a set of amazing headbanging rhythm tracks; no tune would be of higher level, still the supremacy of "Taking Your Chances" (the most NWOBHM song of the album), the wandering of "Distant Eyes" & "Longing For Home" and the straightforwardness of "Rock The House" Down are some personal favorites. As an extra hint: CEREBRUS - in my opinion - are mistakenly considered as a Speed-to-Thrash Metal act; I'd rather place them in the field of British-influenced US Metal 'mode'. The vocals and the general approach of the band reminds me of 'old' Riot (Board's 'vibe' brings Rhett Forrester to mind) plus the 'obscure' Canadian legends BLACK KNIGHT. A relation with contemporary bands would end up to acts like LIEGE LORD (at times) or ARMORED SAINT (rarely, though). Not to forget, again, the 'ghost' of 1982-1984 Iron Maiden is all around here...
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Sulkeutuu 8 vrk 11 h 1 min
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11,90 € Sulkeutuu 8 vrk 11 h 1 min

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