
Kaksi avaamatonta pakettia samalla kertaa.

Huippulaatuisilla Chameleonin permanent-tusseilla pystyt tekemään upeita liukuvärejä väristä toiseen.

Seuraava teksti kopioitu netin uumenista:

You can create depth, dimension, degradations of color, lights and shadows easily. All with a single marker. These marker pen are composed of two parts, a double tip marker and color mixer. Inserting one end into the mixer gets the change of color (the longer the clearer). When painting, it’ll go back, slowly and gradually, to the original color. Coloring will be much easier since it blurs the pen for you. Perfect for illustrations, Manga, colored labels... Alcohol-based pen of high quality and professional finish. Permanent on most surfaces: wood, plastic, EVA rubber, fabric... Two tips: super soft Japanese brush and nib. Non-toxic. Rechargable Ink. 

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Sulkeutuu 105 vrk 9 h 57 min
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20 € Sulkeutuu 105 vrk 9 h 57 min

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