
Frank Herbert's Children of Dune is the story of a young man’s rise to universal power on an embattled desert planet. It’s been twelve years since Paul Atreides’s (Alec Newman) desert-dwelling Jihad spread out across the universe to exterminate all that remained of the Old Imperial armies. As Atreides’ secret enemies grow in number. His only chance to protect the family’s supreme reign is in his new twins. Soon, the hope for planet Dune will be in the hands of his young son Leto II (James McAvoy). Heir to a power unimaginable.

Children of Dune is the only filmed title to cover Frank Herbert's best-selling novels Dune Messiah & Children of Dune, both direct sequels to the much-loved Dune. Also starring James McAvoy (X-Men: Dark Phoenix) and Susan Sarandon (Thelma & Louise).

Ohjaus: Greg Yaitanes

Näyttelijät: mm. Alec Newman, Steven Berkoff, James McAvoy, Daniela Amavia


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Sulkeutuu 10 vrk 5 h 38 min
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15 € Sulkeutuu 10 vrk 5 h 38 min

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