
Cinema Sewer: The Adults Only Guide to History's Sickest and Sexiest Movies! 

Englanninkielinen, pehmytkantinen. Uutena ostettu, käytännössä vain hyllykulumaa kansissa, muuten erittäin hyväkuntoinen. 

The best of the first twelve, long-out-of-print issues of the celebrated underground smash magazine Cinema Sewer. A mind-melting compilation of gonzo writing, illustration and comics about the most insane, sexy, awkward, cheesy, hilarious, upsetting and jaw-dropping movies in the history of film, Cinema Sewer joyously celebrates the sleaziest aspects of the moviegoing experience, while delving deep into bizarre cinematic history. Bougie's distinctive writing style has made him famous among a loyal following of cult film fans. Graphic illustrations by Bougie and associates Bizarre film trivia 100 pages of never-before-seen interviews, rants, comics Rare genre film ads DIY 'zine aesthetic


I've never heard of Cinema Sewer before, so I was curious about this compilation of the best of 12 out-of-print issues from this underground Canadian 'zine. I was pleasantly surprised. Cinema Sewer focuses mainly on horror, exploitation and "classic" 70's porn rarities, of which I also have a keen interest. In addition to the well written, humorous reviews, there's lots of spectacular artwork on display from Cinema Sewer's founder, Robin Bougie, as well as from his wife Rebecca Dart (a side note: I was happy to find that I'm not the only woman interested in this stuff).

An important word of warning: this book is for ADULTS ONLY! Some of the very detailed drawings are EXTREMELY graphic, and the language used is pretty graphic too. If you have a sensitive disposition, and are easily offended, DON'T by this book. However, if your into old 70's porn rarities, exploitation and horror films, and enjoy writing that will make you laugh and art that'll make you gasp, you owe it to yourself to check this book out. Have fun!


Ostaja maksaa postituskulut 7 euroa.      

Katso tästä muut kohteeni  samoilla postikuluilla menee muitakin kohteita, kysy. 


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