
Criterion collection laatujulkaisu. Vaatii toimiakseen aluekoodivapaan DVD-soittimen.

" Wow, what a movie. Far away from Hollywood, Jim Jarmusch creates a world where you don't need drama, pathos and action to fascinate the watcher. Because fascinating is exactly what this movie is. A plot in the classical sense is almost completely missing; the scenes, in their simplicity sometimes reminding of theater, follow each other without ever creating real suspense; neither griping action nor complex dialogues are there to excite the spectator. And still, with ease Jarmusch fills more than a hundred minutes with a story you won't take your eyes off. It is hard to tell what the atmosphere of the movie is really based on, the characters, the setting, entirely in black and white, the music - probably all of it. "

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Sulkeutuu 94 vrk 9 h 14 min
Lisää muistilistalle Poista muistilistalta

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Maksaminen ja toimitus

11,90 € Sulkeutuu 94 vrk 9 h 14 min

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