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Vuosi sitten viisi valkoista nuorta lähti tutkimusmatkalle ghettoon. Heidän tehtävänsä oli selvittää, onko hiphopin pelottavin katulegenda tarua?vai kenties totta. Suurkaupungin karuille kaduille uskaltautuneista nuorista ei ole sittemmin kuultu mitään, mutta heidän traaginen tarinansa on dokumentoitu tälle videolle, jossa etsitään vastausta kysymykseen: mikä oikein on Da Hip Hop Witch? Da Hip Hop Witch on viiltävänterävä parodia The Blair Witch Project -ilmiöstä! Hiphopin tummimpaan aluskasvillisuuteen sukeltava ?autenttinen? kauhukertomus riemastuttaa marssittamalla kameran eteen liudan räppäreitä. Eminem Ja Rule, Mobb Deep ja jo lähes unholaan vaipunut Vanilla Ice tilittävät tuntojaan kohdattuaan gheton kauhun, tuon kauhistuttavan hiphopnoidan. Tämä kaikkien spoof-leffojen kummisetä tarjoilee asiallista räbätystä, kotikutoista kauhua ja unohtumattomia one-linereita. Kuka pelkää mustaa noitaa? On aika kurkistaa hupparin raosta ja ottaa selvää!

Several well-known hip hop artists go public disclosing their personal accounts with the "Black Witch in the Projects". This supernatural terror attacks rap and hip-hop artists in the greater New York and New Jersey areas. The Street Don, a notorious rap mogul, offers $10,000.00 for the capture of the witch and sponsors daily updates of the attacks on a major TV network. An aspiring reporter uses her job at a supermarket tabloid publication to discover the identity and truth about the hip hop witch but finds out more than she anticipated. Meanwhile, five bored white kids from Framingham, Ma. take a joy ride to New York City to capture the witch and collect the reward * but end up lost and scattered in The Big Apple.


The closest film I could relate DA HIP HOP WITCH to is the popular BLAIR WITCH PROJECT because it is a spoof of this well known thriller, but different in the way that it is injected with comedy and contains big names in rap and hip hop. These names include Mobb Deep, Vanilla Ice and Eminem. This black comedy has not really had much success, although if it were to be re-released I am almost certain it would be a box office hit, as comedy films are growing more and more popular and there are more fans of the artists. It was funny all the way through with every ingredient a good film should have, drama, a well thought plot and hilarious comedy. It was especially funny to see these singers over-acting as they tried to portray their copy-cat style characters as comically as possible. This they achieved excellently. I will not give away too much of the plot because it is one to watch, to enjoy and one where you will be on the edge of your seat. But a little taste of what to come is as you can guess their is a lot of hype about the "Hip Hop Witch" made by the characters spending ages convincing the viewers how evil the witch is and how scared they are of it. After a while you do get the feeling that this is a genuine video recorded by people who ARE afraid of the Hip Hop Witch. It is only because of the hilarious scenes throughout you suddenly remember it is a jokey film not to be taken very seriously. This 94 minute film would have been an excellent boost to their careers if it did take off. I am disappointed this movie did not go very far and I hope I will inspire those of you reading this to buy the video. I would recommend this video for adult-viewing and for people who love films where you will be rolling on the floor laughing and at the same time, scared out of your wits!

Levy ja kotelo hyväkuntoiset. Ostaja maksaa postituskulut 4 euroa.      

Katso tästä muut kohteeni - Samoilla postikuluilla saat kaksi dvd- tai BR-levyä.

Jos ostat enemmän elokuvia,9 euron postikuluilla saat niin monta elokuvaa kuin jaksat ostaa! 

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2,50 €
Ilmoitus on sulkeutunut 27.10.2024 19:07
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