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David Bowie - Blackstar VINYYLI
1. painos

Levy/Kannet: M/NM

Avaamaton ja vielä tehdasmuoveissa, muovit osittain lähteneet irti.

Muoveissa hypestickerit

Tietoja levyn ensimmäisestä painoksesta:
"The first European release pressed at MPO. Recognisable by "© & ?2015 ISO Records" on the back cover, "MPO" in the runout etching, and three concentric pressing rings on the labels.

Other European First Press version:
- The first European release pressed at Celebrate Records is David Bowie - ? (Blackstar). Recognisable by "© & ? 2015 ISO Records" on the back cover, Celebrate Records GmbH matrix numbering, and no pressing rings.

Other European Repress versions:
- European repress pressed at MPO is David Bowie - ? (Blackstar). Recognisable by "© 2016 ? 2015, 2016 ISO Records" on the back cover, "MPO" in the runout etching, and three concentric pressing rings on the labels. There is also a weight difference in the sealed package between the first MPO release, 517 gr and the second pressing from MPO, 472 gr.
- European repress pressed at Celebrate Records is David Bowie - ? (Blackstar). Recognisable by "© 2016 ? 2015, 2016 ISO Records" on the back cover.

(Lähde: Discogs)

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