
For over four decades, erotic comics have flourished around the world. Erotic Comics 2 examines how this budding art form exploded from the California comix scene to become an international publishing phenomenon.Beginning with an exploration of newly liberated American artists in the '70s, this overview examines the gay and lesbian comics scene, current artists and publishers in Europe, and Japanese erotica. After delving into the sexual mores of Japanese from tentacle sex to Yaoi, the book looks to the future, where erotic comic creators are sidestepping legal issues by producing work solely for the Internet.Filled with rarely seen art from international forerunners such as Dave Stevens, Jordi Bennet, Frank Thorne, Tom of Finland, Ralf Kšnig, and Milo Manara, Erotic Comics 2 is perfect for fans of adult comics, art history, and erotic illustration. As Alan Moore urges in his "Absorb the contents of this book, and do so shamelessly."

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Sulkeutuu 4 vrk 4 h 11 min
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Lähtöhinta 70 € Sulkeutuu 4 vrk 4 h 11 min

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