
George Borman peltipurkki vanha venäläinen karkki- tai suklaarasia. Oletan olevan vanhempi kuin vuodelta 1917. Koko noin 11 cm X 11 cm X 5 cm. Imperialistisen venäjän paras konvehtitehdas. Kyrillinen teksti ja kaksipäinen kotka prässätty kanteen. Ei myydä ulkomaille. Antiikkia, harvinaista rarea. Kunto näkyy kuvissa. Lommoisempia näkyy myydyn latvialaisessa arvohuutokaupassa ja ebayssa, muttei näin ruosteisia sisältä. Komia on.
Nopealla googlauksella löytyy seuraavaa:

"The best confectionery factory of the Russian Empire

The history of the factory began in 1862, when George (Georges) Nikolayevich Borman founded the company "in a very modest size". A small shop was opened on Nevsky Prospect and there was a workshop with a hand machine for making chocolate with it. Then steam engines and huge workshops existed only in the dreams of the company's founder. For 8 years, the firm of J. Borman achieved such serious success that in 1870 at the All-Russian Exhibition in St. Petersburg its products received a bronze medal. After 2 years, factory buildings were built, especially for a chocolate factory, on Angliyskiy Prospect.

In 1876, the enterprise of Georges Borman was awarded the title "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty with the right to represent the state emblem on its labels." In that year, such a high assessment of the company's activities contributed to the expansion of the range of products manufactured by the factory, and the development of additional markets. The first wholesale warehouse of the company's products in the Apraksin dvor was opened, and two years later the wholesale warehouses were already opened in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. In the same year, 1878, Georges Bormann’s company received its first gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris."

Peltipurkki, peltirasia, tin box, keisarillinen venäjä, tsaari, Nikolai II, hirmuhallinto, imperialistinen riisto venäjä, sortaja, ohrana, valtakunnan vaakuna, doudle headed eagle

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