Tuote on myyty käyttäjälle Oge79 hintaan 16 €
Harakiri (1962) Blu-ray **muoveissa**
Of all Masaki Kobayashi's attacks on the cruelty and inhumanity perpetrated by authoritarian power (includingThe
Human Condition and Samurai Rebellion), perhaps none are more brilliant than his visceral, mesmerisingHarakiri [aka Seppuku].
In a magnificent performance, Tatsuya Nakadai (Yojimbo, The Face of Another, Ran) stars as Hanshiro Tsugumo, a masterless down-and-out samurai who enters the manor of Lord Iyi, requesting to commit ritual suicide on his property. Suspected of simply fishing for charity, Hanshiro is told the gruesome tale of the last samurai who made the same request - but Hanshiro will not be moved...
With its intricate structure and pressure-cooker atmosphere, Kobayashi's first jidai-geki period drama is a full-scale demolition job of samurai ideals and feudal hypocrisy, filmed with artistry and surgical precision, and scored by celebrated composer Toru Takemitsu.
Adapted from the same source novel in 2011 by notorious auteur Takashi Miike, the original - winner of the 1963 Special Jury Prize at Cannes - still stands as a startling moment in Japanese cinema.
Kannet : Englanti
Teksti : Englanti
Aluekoodi 2 ( Eurooppa). Näkyy suomalaisissa soittimissa.
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16 €
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Ehkä kyselen taas tyhmiä, mutta onko paketissa bluray + dvd missä kummassakin elokuva? Otsikossa lukee bluray mutta kuvassa mainitaan myös dvd.
Ei yhtään tyhmä kysymys. Tukkurilta tuli alussa kombo-versiota, jossa oli molemmat. Jossain vaiheessa muuttui pelkäksi blu-ray versioksi. Kuva jäänyt tuolta ajalta, nyt vaihdettu myynnissä olevan tuotteen kuvat.