
Hardware :  Special Edition  -  Blu-ray


Post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller written and directed by Richard Stanley. Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress (Stacey Travis) as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend (Dylan McDermott). Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage. The cast members include Carl McCoy, John Lynch and rock icons Iggy Pop and Lemmy.


  • Director  :  Richard Stanley
  • Actors  :  Dylan McDermott, Stacey Travis, John Lynch, Iggy Pop, William Hootkins



Kesto:   94 min

Tekstitys:   -

Ikäraja:  K-18

Sisältää:  26-sivuinen kirjanen, elokuvan aiheisia kortteja (muoveissa)



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Sulkeutuu 38 vrk 15 h 25 min
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69,95 € Sulkeutuu 38 vrk 15 h 25 min

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5.11. klo 9:50

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