Hellnight (CIB) (UK) PS (Käytetty)
The Tokyo of the future is menaced by a mysterious cult known as the Dark Messiah and you've found yourself right in the middle of their domain. In this survival horror classic the monsters can't be killed only outrun!
- Fully 3D first person environment
- Gather essential clues from various people you meet along the way
- Deep storyline involving evil monsters and a dark cult
- Partner with other people you meet along the way who can help you fight the monster
- The automapper builds up as you explore the sewers
Tuote on myynnissä
Huuto Turvalla
- Tuote maksetaan Huuto Turvan asiakasvaratilille
- Ostajan saatua tuotteen maksu tilitetään myyjälle
- Lue lisää Huuto Turvasta
Osta heti
Maksaminen ja toimitus
232 €
91 vrk 10 h 54 min
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