Jesus Shows you The Way to The Highway
Arrown laatujulkaisu. Uutena ostettu ja kerran katsottu ennen kuin palautettu takaisin alkuperäiseen suojamuoviin, eli on täysi uudenveroisessa kunnossa. Toimii normaalissa suomalaisessa soittimessa ja sisältää englanti tekstit.
" Highly Imaginative and Fun"
" A Loopy, Hallucinogenic Ride"
" I was going to begin this title with "Surreal", but if you're going to talk about a film that's clearly inspired by Phillip K. Dick's fiction that's kind of redundant. The basic plot bears quite a few points of similarity to one of the author's lesser-known novels, "Ubik"; there's even a major character named "Palmer Eldritch" -- as in Dick's novel "The Three Stigmata of". Which also featured an alien hallucinogen. "
" Fair warning, this movie is not for everyone. The movie has a retro futurist vibe and a strong paranoiac feeling coursing throughout it, sort of Lynch meets Gilliam and this incredible mishmash of pop culture references. If the term "surrealist nightmare" intrigues you this will be right up your alley, A triumph of the weird. "
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