
Keräilty Leatherman jota ei ole koskaan käytetty. Se on vain pakkauksessaan ollut lipaston laatikossa. Alkuperäisessä myyntipakkauksessa.

Kunto: uudenveroinen / huippukunto!

The Leatherman Sideclip tool is one of the earliest Leatherman models. It's very light and compact, with pliers, a blade, and just a few other tools, plus a pocket clip. It was the first Leatherman model with a clip, although it has become increasingly common on newer models. The Sideclip was introduced in 1999, and retired in 2004. It is a popular collectible.

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Sulkeutuu 98 vrk 7 h 5 min
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106,90 € Sulkeutuu 98 vrk 7 h 5 min

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