
"Recent events in the Falklands have brought to public attention the crucial role of fighter aircraft in modern warfare. Sea Harriers, Mirages and Skyhawks are only three types among the large number described in this book, which contains a wealth of information about the design and capabilities of the fighters, fighter-bombers, naval aircraft, bombers, attack aeroplanes and helicopters operated by the world's air forces.

Small, high-speed fighter and attack aircraft and much larger bombers are only part of a nation's military strength, although the most important. There must also be the back-up forces, comprising early-warning, electronic warfare, transport and training aircraft, and these too are covered in this wide-ranging survey. While international tensions remain, new combat aircraft will appear from the factories of many nations, incorporating the latest technologies and requiring crews of the highest calibre.

The cutaway drawings of important aircraft types allow a detailed examination of their construction and component parts, and the superbly comprehensive selection of photographs together with Michael Taylor's authoritative and highly readable text make this a book which will appeal to all enthusiasts." [takakansi]


Optimum Books 1983. Kovakantinen. Englanninkielinen.


Hieman kulumaa.


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