Moammar Emka: Jakarta Undercover. Indonesian "Sex and City"
Moammar Emka: Jakarta Undercover.
(2002) Monsoon Books, Singapore 2006 Nid 208 sivua.
Värikuvakannet. "Sex and the City" Indonesian style."
Bestseller: "200'000 copies sold in Indonesia!"
Unlimited sexual services in Jakarta - the world's fourth largest city, and the capital of the world's largest Muslim country. Non-fiction - tietokirja.
Viihdekolumnistina toimiva kirjoittaja hämmästelee Indonesian yöelämän erikoisimpia seksipalveluita, Sexual services, 24 lukua: Naked clubbing, Triple-service VIP Sauna Special. Squels on wheels, Arabian Nights Bachelor Party, Chicken Nights, No Hand Service, Sashimi Sex, Club 99, Drive Thru' Sex, Desparate Housewives, 'Melrose Place' Jakarta-style, Orgies to Order, Gambling on Sex, Ladies Night, Disco Fever, Gay Pride, Scissorless Barbershops, Super Mammies, Truth or Dare, Shopping Queens, Nude Casinos, Foreign Imports (uzbekistanilaisia ilotyttöjä), ym! XXX Sex-for-sale in chauffeur-driven SUVs and many other bizarre offering of the flesh.
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