
Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangier, an underground musician, deeply depressed by the direction of human activities, reunites with his resilient and enigmatic lover. Their love story has already endured several centuries at least, but their debauched idyll is soon disrupted by her wild and uncontrollable younger sister.

Can these wise but fragile outsiders continue to survive as the modern world collapses around them?

With an all star cast including Oscar winner Tilda Swinton (The Grand Budapest Hotel, We Need To Talk About Kevin), Tom Hiddleston (The Avengers, Thor), Mia Wasikowska (Stoker, Lawless) Anton Yelchin (Star Trek Into Darkness), and John Hurt (Harry Potter, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), Only Lovers Left Alive is the apotheosis of American Independent film and underground music combined, from acclaimed director Jim Jarmusch (Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai and Dead Man). Oozing cool and dry wit, Only Lovers Left Alive also features an original soundtrack with music by Jozef van Wissem, Squrl and more.

Kannet : Englanti

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Sulkeutuu 24 vrk 12 h 21 min
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10 € Sulkeutuu 24 vrk 12 h 21 min

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