
Alkuperäinen kunto. Yläpuolen messinkikaulus hankittu myöhemmin. Leima: Idman.

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Osta heti

Sulkeutuu 23 h 11 min 46 s
Myyjä edellyttää ostajalta tunnistautumista.
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Osta heti


Maksaminen ja toimitus


2 400 € Sulkeutuu 23 h 11 min 46 s

Myyjän muut ilmoitukset


Kysy myyjältä, viestit ovat julkisia.
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21.11. klo 10:33

I can't do an offer or buy it directly cause I need to go throught a finnish bank authetification system that I don't have. Please consider it as sold at 2200 € + ship and send me your bank details. let's close that today. Thanks

21.11. klo 10:50

Send me an email with your details, I answer to you by giving my bank details. My email: juha.rytovuori@gmail.com

20.11. klo 21:57

2200 and we have a deal

21.11. klo 8:36

Make an offer, but do it quickly. I will travel far-east next week and come back after christmas.

18.11. klo 11:05

Sweden / Stockholm

18.11. klo 13:34

2300 € and we have a deal.

18.11. klo 10:58

HI, I would like to offer 2000 € + shipping if you can pack it.


18.11. klo 11:03

Hi. Where is the final destination?