
John Blake 2002 Kovakansi


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352 sivua + Kuvaliitteet

Paul Di'anno is one of rock 'n' roll's wildest, most notorious figures. In this autobiography, The Beast reveals the shocking stories of his life on the road, including the night he shot out a passing motorist's tyres with a rifle and the truth about his arrest for carrying a sub-machine gun. His tale is one of drugs, guns, alcohol; of extended periods banged up in a US Federal Penitentiary; and of course his time fronting one of the biggest rock groups of all time - Iron Maiden

Hakusanoja: elämäkerta di anno

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20 €
Sulkeutuu 63 vrk 4 h 56 min
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20 € Sulkeutuu 63 vrk 4 h 56 min

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