
Human Kinetics - Uusi - Pehmeäkantinen


246 sivua

Sharpen your strategy and shot-making skills! Whether it's eight ball, nine ball, straight pool, or one pocket, Precision Pool will reveal the secrets the pros know in this attractive full-color offering.

Authors Gerry “The Ghost” Kanov and Shari “The Shark” Stauch leave nothing to chance, sharing the wealth of experience they gained from coaching or competing against virtually every top professional player. The result—Precision Pool—is simply the most comprehensive and useful book ever written on pool.

Hakusanoja: Biljardi tarkkuus kirja biljardista

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Sulkeutuu 66 vrk 4 h 11 min
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16 € Sulkeutuu 66 vrk 4 h 11 min

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