
Dark and controversial Japanese war drama. Sakura Nishi (yako Wakao) is a young nurse posted to an army hospital during the Sino-Japanese war in 1939. Raped by her patients, she is punished by the high command for daring to make a complaint, and sent to a brutalised front-line unit. There she meets a morphine-addicted surgeon, and the damaged couple try to seek solace in each other as the world around them collapses into violence and despair.

Kannet : Englanti

Teksti : Englanti

Aluekoodi 2 ( Eurooppa). Näkyy suomalaisissa soittimissa.

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Sulkeutuu 23 vrk 17 h 21 min
Lisää muistilistalle Poista muistilistalta

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Maksaminen ja toimitus


12 € Sulkeutuu 23 vrk 17 h 21 min

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