
Runner3 completes the rhythm-based platforming trilogy begun by BIT.TRIP.RUNNER and Runner2! The stoic and unflappable Commander Video leaves a multicolored trail in his wake, punctuating the beat of the game's infectious soundtrack with every step! The Timbletot is determined as ever to rid the multiverse of all its love and happiness. Commander Video -a lover if ever there were one-refuses to let this happen. He's ready to jump, double-jump, wall-jump, slide-jump, underwear-jump, slide, kick, float, fly and dance his way to victory, all across a medley of thrilling, challenging and joyous levels!
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Sulkeutuu 113 vrk 2 h 12 min
Lisää muistilistalle Poista muistilistalta

Tuote on myynnissä
Huuto Turvalla

  • Tuote maksetaan Huuto Turvan asiakasvaratilille
  • Ostajan saatua tuotteen maksu tilitetään myyjälle
  • Lue lisää Huuto Turvasta

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Maksaminen ja toimitus

34,99 € Sulkeutuu 113 vrk 2 h 12 min

Myyjän muut ilmoitukset

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