
BIG kovakansi


This book takes you on a journey, from the rock-pools along the shoreline, to the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, to reveal an incredible and rarely seen world. You will zoom in on the intricate patterns on a giant clam, see the surprising beauty of fish gills when viewed under the microscope, and discover the tiny organisms that are the very building blocks of life. Some of them are harmless, some of them deadly. Some are alien in appearance, others are startling in their beauty. Without them, life as we know it would not exist.

Welcome to the amazing hidden world under the sea.

93 sivua

Koko: 30x30cm

Hakusanoja: Meri merten salaisuudet upea kuvitus

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Sulkeutuu 60 vrk 23 h 33 min
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Osta heti


Maksaminen ja toimitus


8 € Sulkeutuu 60 vrk 23 h 33 min

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