
Sonic Colours
Nintendo Wii -peli
PAL(Euro) -versio

The diabolical Dr. Eggman has hatched another plan for world domination! He has built an amazing interstellar amusement park, floating in space bursting with incredible rides and attractions. However, all is not as it seems as Dr. Eggman has abducted an entire alien race called Wisps from far away planets and is harnessing their Wisp energy for an evil plan. Before he has time to set his plans in motion… Sonic discovers his mysterious theme park and finds he is able to use these new alien powers too! Fuelled by their colourful energy; Sonic embarks on an adrenaline pumping, super speed adventure through vibrant worlds from candy mountains, to lush vegetation in a mission to halt the sinister plot.



Hiukan naarmuinen, 100% toimivaksi testattu pelilevy, ohjekirja ja kotelo kansipapereineen. Ranskalaisjulkaisu, peli on englanninkielinet, kannet ranskaksi.

Toimitus rahattilillepakettipostiin-periaatteella tai nouto Oulusta.
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 3-d x 360 1 2 3 4 5 I II III IV V edition 3d 3D 3-D super mario play smash kart galaxy super sonic the hedgehog colors colour soniccolours soniccolors dr. eggman wiiu wii u

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Sulkeutuu 77 vrk 18 h 10 min
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23,40 € Sulkeutuu 77 vrk 18 h 10 min

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