
Super Bomberman - Super Famicom

Super Bomberman is the first Bomberman game released for SNES, and is also the first four-player game for SNES. In Europe, it's also the first game to keep the Bomberman title rather than being localized as Dynablaster.

Gameplay occurs on a single non-scrolling screen showing a a grid of 143 squares (13 x 11), which restricts characters so they can only move horizontally or vertically. Controls make Bomberman drop a bomb at his feet, which will pulse for a few seconds before exploding. To win, Bomberman must use these bomb blasts to destroy walls and enemies.

Don't underestimate the simple rules and gameplay; critics and players alike have raved over the game's addictiveness, likening it to that of Tetris! It's a great time no matter how you prefer to play, but we love the multiplayer mode best here at Retromagia. That way, we can all savor the Golden Age of console games together! ;)

Product type: Loose (Game only)

Condition: Used - OK

Console: Super Famicom

Language: Japanese

Region: NTSC-J (Japan)

Genre: Puzzle

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Osta heti

Sulkeutuu 117 vrk 12 h 43 min
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Maksaminen ja toimitus

14,95 € Sulkeutuu 117 vrk 12 h 43 min

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