
Assume the role of Gabe Logan, a highly-trained Precision Strike Operative, commanding a black box United States Agency that legally doesn't exist. Gabe finds himself dealing with a beautiful woman from his past who harbors a shocking secret while he battles the Red Section, a para-military group in possession of Project Dark Mirror, a next-generation weapon of mass destruction. Using Precision Strike Tactics, advanced vision technology, and the latest in high-tech weaponry, Logan and his team perform surgical strike missions - too sensitive for a military response, too dangerous for civilian intelligence forces. Through the role of Gabe, players will have to be quick to strategize, as he is responsible to infiltrate, recon and execute decisively. Once inserted, Logan is his own authority - he must make life and death decisions, quickly choosing which course of action to take.

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Sulkeutuu 90 vrk 8 h 22 min
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Huuto Turvalla

  • Tuote maksetaan Huuto Turvan asiakasvaratilille
  • Ostajan saatua tuotteen maksu tilitetään myyjälle
  • Lue lisää Huuto Turvasta

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15,99 € Sulkeutuu 90 vrk 8 h 22 min

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