TV Smith: Tales of the Emergency Sandwich (diary 3)
TV Smith: Tales of the Emergency Sandwich - Punk rock tour diaries: Volume Three
Ahkerasti kiertävän ja kiertueillaan kirjaa pitävän ex-Adverts tähden TV Smithin kolmas kirja soolo aikojen keikkareissujen uskomattomista sattumuksista ja tarinoista. Matkalla käydään Australiassa, Espanjassa, Tsekissä, pari kertaa Suomessa ja useassa muussa paikassa. Kuivan kaunnilla brittihuumorilla höytettyä maailmankatsomusta.
Arvio kirjasta: "The diaries are an entertaining and addictive read, impossible to put down. From the beginning TV was regarded for his accomplished lyrics as much as the hook of his songs. His ability as a writer is unquestionable, and the years spent concentrating on writing are evident here. Through his prose he creates wonderful lasting imagery, whether it’s the description of a gig, a dive hall moonlighting as a venue, or a stroll down a familiar or new street, you always feel you are there with him. "
Englannin kielinen
Hakusanat: kirja punk rock
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