Under Night In-Birth PS4 (Käytetty)
- PlayStation's Hottest New Fighter - Discover the stunning UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH universe in this complete edition of the celebrated four-button fighter.
- An Amazing Contemporary Cast - Wield swords, daggers, whips, scythes and even killer hair braids with a colourful roster of 20 unique and audacious fighters.
- Accessible, Tactical Combat - The easy-to-understand 'Grind Grid' mechanic rewards smart offensive play but punishes sloppy and negative tactics to encourage considered tactics.
- An Epic Story Campaign - Immerse yourself in the epic battle between In-Births and Voids with the story-rich Chronicle Mode.
- The Fighting Genre's Best-Kept Secret! - The developer of cult-classic Melty Blood finally returns to the genre by popular demand!
Tuote on myynnissä
Huuto Turvalla
- Tuote maksetaan Huuto Turvan asiakasvaratilille
- Ostajan saatua tuotteen maksu tilitetään myyjälle
- Lue lisää Huuto Turvasta
Osta heti
Maksaminen ja toimitus
35,99 €
89 vrk 19 h 16 min
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