War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-earth Limited edition
Myydään War of the Ring lautapelin lisäosan "Lords of Middle-earth" limited edition julkaisu.
Limited edition boksi sisältää mm.
• 9 maalattua figua sekä Treebeard promo kortin.
• New Characters include Elrond, Galadriel, Sméagol, Gothmog and the powerful Balrog of Moria, as well as alternate versions of Gandalf, the Witch-king and the Mouth of Sauron.
• 13 new event cards. Korttisuojat tulevat mukana.
• New special Action Dice are included: Elven Ring Keepers dice for the Free Peoples player and Lesser Minion dice for the Shadow player.
• New versions of all the Companions of the Fellowship of the Ring are also included, to play the optional “Council of Rivendell” rules.
• figures for Aragorn and Gandalf the White.
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