
Think you have what it takes to get into World Wrestling Entertainment? Think again. Welcome to the "minor leagues" of Sports Entertainment, where every rookie jobber in the industry learns the school of hard knocks. Build your favorite Superstar from the ground-up and graduate to the world of WWE programming. From there you will begin your ultimate quest for the elusive WWE Championship Belt. But don't get too comfortable once you've made it, you will need to do more than watch your back to go all the way in this business. In WWE Day of Reckoning for the Nintendo GameCube, hit the ropes against 40 of the WWE's top Superstars in an all-new story mode where a rookie's dream becomes a Superstar's reality.
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Sulkeutuu 39 vrk 22 h 50 min
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18,99 € Sulkeutuu 39 vrk 22 h 50 min

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