
Kunto: hyvä miinus.

"World-renowned sex therapist Dr. Ava will guide you through live demonstrations of the four essential stages of female sexual satisfaction. You will learn how to satisfy her emotionally, physically, sexually and even after lovemaking. You will learn how to create a romantic atmosphere and put her in a sexual mood. Discover sensual foreplay techniques, tips for oral sex and many orgasmic sexual positions. Explore and stimulate her G-spot, A-spot and U-spot and learn about the ancient tantric Venus butterfly orgasm technique and the body-melting tri-gasm. Whether you are single or in a long-term relationship, this DVD will enhance your sex life with these "must-have" techniques that are guaranteed to make you a bedroom hero."

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Sulkeutuu 28 vrk 11 h 10 min
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Maksaminen ja toimitus

5,85 € Sulkeutuu 28 vrk 11 h 10 min

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