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Thank you about your shoppings.+++++++++++++
A little bit complicated contacts, technical problems. But everything O.K. at last. Thanks for buying - my best recommendations.
Myyjä: -
15.09.2008 21:19
Kohde: 85218630
Thank you for payment. You are so kind, my best recommendations, have a good life!
Thank You! Nopea yhteydenotto ja maksu. Lämpimät suositteluni!
12.09.2008 09:26
Kohde: 85626371
Thank You!
12.09.2008 09:26
Kohde: 85235033
thanks to a very trustable buyer - your card is on the way ++++++++++++++
I try this way to... again...Indeed my mail not inbox for you. I don't know why, but I send to you at least five message. Anyway 7 Euro is enough, what some cent, so fine.
Thanks to deal, about my email never out of there. :) ++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 kohdetta,kiitokset kaikista. Thank you.+++++++