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everything exellent, fast payment +++++++ recommendations
26.01.2017 06:49
Kohde: 435946873
Hyvin sujuneet ja nopeat kaupat! Lämmin kiitos! +++++++
Very quickly paid and fast contact , I recommend warm , +++
very fast contact,reliable,fast payment.higly recommended buyer.Tutto a posto!!!
Very fast contact and payment, recommended buyer ++++
Good and reliable trading partner :) My recommendations++++++++++++
Thank you very much. Fast and reliable. Suosittelen 10+++
Thanks. Good communication and fast international transaction+++
erittäin sujuvaa kaupankäyntiä suosittelut.
Sujuvaa kaupankäyntiä. Nopea maksu. Kiitos. Thank You. +++
Hyvä ja luotettava ostaja. Nopea maksu. Suosittelen lämpimästi. +++
Thank you +++++++++++.
26.07.2012 20:00
Kohde: 226203874
Thank you very much,I have had the pleasure to make shops with you
24.07.2012 18:19
Kohde: 227692050
everything exellent +++++ recommendations
05.07.2012 14:49
Kohde: 225011384
Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended !! Thank you very much, Grazie Mille. A+++++
An excellent businesscompany, all went very well, thank you +++++++,Good summer!
Hyvin sujuivat kaupat hienoisesta välimatkasta huolimatta. Suosittelen++++