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43 pistettä
95,0 % positiivisia

07.09.2014 16:08
Kohde: 324003471

Kiitokset ostajalle, nopea maksu ja hyvä yhteydenpito, suositteluni! 
31.08.2014 23:27
Kohde: 325168477

Kiitokset ostajalle, nopea maksu ja hyvä yhteydenpito, suositteluni! 
31.08.2014 23:27
Kohde: 324851200

Kiitokset ostajalle, nopea maksu ja hyvä yhteydenpito, suositteluni! 
31.08.2014 23:27
Kohde: 325369425

Kiitokset ostajalle, nopea maksu ja hyvä yhteydenpito, suositteluni! 
31.08.2014 23:27
Kohde: 325752921

29.08.2014 20:02
Kohde: 324828028

29.08.2014 20:02
Kohde: 324386383

29.08.2014 20:02
Kohde: 324251674

14.08.2014 09:14
Kohde: 321347626

14.08.2014 09:14
Kohde: 322062485

14.08.2014 09:14
Kohde: 322062590

14.08.2014 09:14
Kohde: 322062610

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320948868

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320950165

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320951243

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320950835

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320950611

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320949947

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320949548

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320949307

Thank you very much!++++ 
31.07.2014 09:09
Kohde: 320949133

A lot of thanks again! 
17.07.2014 19:07
Kohde: 321699018

A lot of thanks again! 
17.07.2014 19:07
Kohde: 321545669

A lot of thanks again! 
17.07.2014 19:07
Kohde: 321545722

Danke. ++++ 
17.07.2014 06:14
Kohde: 320184965

Danke. ++++ 
17.07.2014 06:14
Kohde: 320032322

Danke. ++++ 
17.07.2014 06:14
Kohde: 320031960

Danke. ++++ 
17.07.2014 06:14
Kohde: 320031512

Danke. ++++ 
17.07.2014 06:14
Kohde: 320031162

Kiitos kaupoista ja Suositukseni. Thank you and Recommendations. 
16.07.2014 16:55
Kohde: 320258882

Kiitos kaupoista ja Suositukseni. Thank you and Recommendations. 
16.07.2014 16:55
Kohde: 320258271

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320044238

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320044724

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320588968

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320257898

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320153774

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320255418

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 319849417

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 319848307

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320045080

Thank you for buying several cards from my little shop! :) The deal was very well taken care of! My recommedations! +++++++++++++++++ 
14.07.2014 19:48
Kohde: 320045378

Kiitokset kaupoista,hyvää kesää!++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
11.07.2014 10:38
Kohde: 318301164

11.07.2014 10:37
Kohde: 317475034

Tästä kiitos!+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
11.07.2014 10:37
Kohde: 317943445

Tästä kiitos!+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
11.07.2014 10:37
Kohde: 316766685

Tästä kiitos!+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
11.07.2014 10:37
Kohde: 317588558

Tästä kiitos!+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
11.07.2014 10:37
Kohde: 316612881

Suosittelen lämpimästi. Asiallista toimintaa. OK +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
07.07.2014 08:40
Kohde: 318674903

Suosittelen lämpimästi. Asiallista toimintaa. OK +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
07.07.2014 08:40
Kohde: 318674289

Suosittelen lämpimästi. Asiallista toimintaa. OK +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
07.07.2014 08:40
Kohde: 316843072