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-3 pistettä
0,0 % positiivisia

Ei lähettänyt muisteja ja esti numeron 
25.03.2017 11:39
Kohde: 440391505

Fun fact: the first thing he did was asking if I was gonna pick the card up or he should post it. After I said I would come to pick it up, he said that he "pressed accidentally the accept price offer", and told me that he can't sell the card at 300e 
20.03.2017 14:47
Kohde: 440735551
kekkonen3: Yes, pretty fun fact indeed... Do you really think i would sell that card at 300 euros. New price for that is around 540e. And i did wrote on the comment field that i wont sell it for 300e, before i accidently pressed accept price offer instead cancel.???

Myyjään ei saanut mitään yhteyttä tuotteen ostamisen jälkeen lukuisista yrityksistä huolimatta. Kaupat jäivät siis toteutumatta. 
22.08.2016 08:55
Kohde: 418084931