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5 pistettä
63,0 % positiivisia

Ei kuulunut mitään huudon jälkeen. 
08.10.2017 21:34
Kohde: 450832144

Lunastamaton huuto. Ensimmäinen antamani negatiivinen palaute :( 
01.10.2017 23:34
Kohde: 451234656

Lunastamaton huuto, ei vastaa viesteihin. 
09.09.2017 10:32
Kohde: 451301552

I am truly sorry I need to leave negative feed-back to get a refund on my seller´s fees. I know something is wrong, maybe you are sick or something? Please contact me asap, I would be very happy to hear from you and will change the feed-back to good one! 
03.09.2017 22:46
Kohde: 449453689

I am truly sorry I need to leave negative feed-back to get a refund on my seller´s fees. I know something is wrong, maybe you are sick or something? Please contact me asap, I would be very happy to hear from you and will change the feed-back to good one! 
03.09.2017 22:46
Kohde: 449453928

I am truly sorry I need to leave negative feed-back to get a refund on my seller´s fees. I know something is wrong, maybe you are sick or something? Please contact me asap, I would be very happy to hear from you and will change the feed-back to good one! 
03.09.2017 22:46
Kohde: 449453608

Lunastamaton huuto! 
08.08.2017 14:29
Kohde: 448567425

Did not buy the products!!! :( 
06.08.2017 22:58
Kohde: 449154876
sagasays: How could I when the money keeks getting returned ??

Did not buy the products!!! :( 
06.08.2017 22:58
Kohde: 448169881
sagasays: How could I when the money keeks getting returned ??

No answers! 
03.08.2017 09:32
Kohde: 448519249
sagasays: I did not hear from you ??

No answers! 
03.08.2017 09:32
Kohde: 448519103
sagasays: I did not hear from you ??

No answers! 
03.08.2017 09:32
Kohde: 448518782
sagasays: I did not hear from you ??

No answers! 
03.08.2017 09:32
Kohde: 448518484
sagasays: I did not hear from you ??

Lunastamaton huuto. Ostajaan ei saa yhteyttä. 
22.07.2017 15:54
Kohde: 446890597
sagasays: I did not hear from you ??

Lunastamaton huuto, ei ole ottanut yhteyttä eikä vastaa viesteihin. 
19.07.2017 15:45
Kohde: 447876015
sagasays: I'm pretty sure I never received a mail telling me how to pay .. sorry anyway