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Käyttäjällä ei ole tällä hetkellä kohteita myynnissä. Suljetut kohteet →
Valitettavasti lunastamaton huuto. Tämä on välityspalkkion negatiivinen palaute huuto.netin sääntöjen mukaisesti.
merysoft: Apologies - sometimes the interplay of multiple circumstances (lack of time, while getting prepared for a trip) end up in a bad outcome. My bad.
merysoft: Well, he cannot explain the negative feedback - as it was him who has failed to come for the item he won. That has finally justified the negative he got from me :)
merysoft: I cannot help if I don't know anything about your concerns. As always, I am still willing to discuss about your problem - if any - and find a mutually good solution, but please, please - why you're not contacting me first?
Ei ole lunastanut huutoaan, eikä ottanut yhteyttä.
14.03.2009 20:34
Kohde: 99054341
merysoft: For some reason, I haven't got any email notifications so far, and I've thought the seller has canceled the sale. I'm really sorry for any inconveniences.