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Käyttäjällä ei ole tällä hetkellä kohteita myynnissä. Suljetut kohteet →
Kiitokset erittäin nopeasta toimituksesta sekä erinomaisessa kunnossa olleesta levystä
Tosi hyvin meni kaupat! ++++
27.05.2016 18:45
Kohde: 406871633
Hienosti sujuneet kaupat ja nopea toimitus. Kiitokset!
Hienosti sujuneet kaupat ja nopea toimitus. Kiitokset!
Erittäin nopea toimitus!!! Wow! Suosittelen.
14.05.2016 16:45
Kohde: 404949254
hyvin hoidetut kaupat, kiitos luotettavalle ostajalle!
02.05.2016 17:15
Kohde: 402781612
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
doing business with Leo was a breeze: product and communication was on point. quick postage in return for bank receipt. no bs. highly recommended!thanks, Leo!
Nopea toimitus, hyvä yhteydenpito!, Kiitos, *****
Kiitokset sujuvista kaupoista. Lämpimät suosittelut.
Kiitokset hyvin sujuneesta kaupasta!
14.06.2010 09:11
Kohde: 140427938
Hyvin hoidettu kauppa, kiitos ja kumarrus +++++
22.04.2010 19:43
Kohde: 135660778
Kiitos kaupoista! Suosittelen kauppakumppaniksi! +++
16.01.2009 00:12
Kohde: 94312223