

Erittäin hyväkuntoinen DVD ja kotelo vuodelta1981, kesto 110 minuuttia. Kieli on englanti, ei tekstitystäi. DVD-kotelon kaikki tekstit on englanniksi. Pääosissa Wallace Shawn ja Andre Gregory, ohjaus Louis Malle.

"Old friends Wallace (Wallace Shawn) and Andre (Andre Gregory) haven't seen each another in five years and agree to meet for dinner. Andre, a once well-known theater director, dropped out of the New York scene to travel the world, while Wallace stuck around, finding only mixed success as a playwright. As they sit down to eat, Andre launches into a series of fantastic stories from his time away, and Wallace can't help but notice how different their worldviews have become.."

Ostajalle postikulut tai nouto Helsingissä (esim. Lauttasaari).

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Sulkeutuu 68 vrk 16 h 48 min
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3,50 € Sulkeutuu 68 vrk 16 h 48 min

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